Safety Pays - Adopt to Believe it.

It has been known to many and is proven scientifically otherwise that wearing SEAT BELT while driving reduces the risk of fatality. Even though as a reply to safety advice, one readily says following - which you can add if you have encountered with one:

·       driving for short distances

·       not driving on busy road

·       Use at Highways

·       keep speed in control

·       shouldn’t dirty my cloth

·       Having ample experience of driving

·       No enforcement at my place

·       Forgot to belt up

·       Will use next time

·       not coward

·       Can’t avoid what is allotted......

What to mention, many peculiarly answer that they have witnessed death even the person was belt up. So how wearing, not-wearing seat belt matters?

Truly speaking many among us do not believe in safety because we survive doing unsafe behaviour e.g. riding back home unhurt without crash helmet. In fact, development of such false confidence stops us from adopting safety ways in activity (behaviour) we demonstrate   at home, at road, in industry or whatsoever place we are at.

It’s an uphill task but will change people for developing SAFETITUDE, if survivor of an accident shares the story.

Safety Pays-Adopt to Believe it is one of the 10 taglines at as a campaign to improve behavioural safety.


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