
Showing posts from November, 2016

Are you responsible for safety?

Responsibility is not a mere word but it is used to convey something very profound. Whatsoever function you are in, responsible means you own this and committed to accomplish all the tasks under it. You may, most of the time needed to go beyond call of the duty to complete the task you are responsible of.   When someone is responsible of certain function/task/work and most importantly he/she accepts this, then there are no ifs & buts to shirk from even the failure if any. Here, specifically in safety, responsible means it is integral part of your function to adopt safety to protect self and your colleague. You can check yourself or of your colleagues as how much responsible for safety by rating appropriate responses against 10 following traits specifically developed for this purpose. a)      Safety is value to me rather it is priority in my agenda b)      ‘Safety starts with me’ reflects in all actions I perform c)       I understand my job very well d)      I kn

Kill Unsafe-Act (Behaviour) before it kills someone

It is evident from the study done that UNSAFE ACTS account for 80 % of all causes of accidents. It is a most vulnerable link in the sequence of accident causation model given by many scientists. Also equally difficult is the management of unsafe acts- human behaviours that is influenced by many internal and external factors. One another important nature of human behaviour is its dynamism because of that same person behaves differently as response to particular stimuli in different circumstances. Understanding of the human psychology for predicting unsafe acts (Behaviours) and managing it has ever been a challenge to all the persons working for the prevention of accidents in industry, at roads, at home, in air/water or at any other like place of activity. It is also true that any amounts of efforts done to manage the two elements of the accident tirade-Person (competency) and Environment (workplace), third one- Behaviour (unsafe act) is enough to negate this. Here it is impera

Total Safety Culture

Safety culture is the attitude, beliefs, perceptions and values that employees share in relation to safety in the workplace. Safety culture is a part of organizational culture, and has been described by the phrase "the way we do things around here". Most employers and employees in the area of safety will agree that the ultimate aim of a safety initiative is a “total safety culture” ; however, this concept is rarely defined. A total safety culture is a culture in which: a) Safety is integrated into all activities of the business as a ‘value ‘and not just a priority ; b) Individuals not only take responsibility for their own safety but safety of their co-workers also. c) All level of employee is willing and able to act on their sense of responsibility – they can go beyond the call of duty’- a situation called ‘actively caring’’ Ten indicators of a ‘total safety culture’ are as follows: 1. Top management’s commitment that supports maintaining and improving

Do you value trustworthyness?

This time I wish to share something unusual!! Emotional Bank Account (EBA), I am going to share about is not anyway related to finance yet is more important than money actually. It is an  account of trust instead of money. It's an account based on how safe you feel with another person. With money you can buy any material things of your like but certainly not the relationship. You can build a true relationship with anyone only when you possess one with you. Our life is worth living because of we make and sustain many relations pertaining to personal, professional, business, societal or like many others.  Covey identifies six ways to make deposits (or reduce withdrawals): 1) Understanding the Individual: This means listening intently to what the other person is saying and empathizing with how they may feel. It’s important to care for others and act with kindness toward them. 2) Keeping Commitments: How do you feel when someone arrives right on time when you have a meeting

Are you getting ROI on Training?

Hiring someone for imparting training or engaging some agency for their services in Safety/technical/commercial arena has been an important aspect of efficient business operation. That is why, there is huge potential on both sides (donor - acceptor) and one of the reason why market is flooded with offers on consultancy/training ranging from an individual to a big organization. While this is true that no services are viable without money preposition however the trend of exaggerating is never seen before. It is unlikely, that an organization that considers training & development a must for the growth of their business through individual development and invests a good amount of resources on it hardly ensures ROI (Return on Investment). So, you may see many organizations expending much on advertisement than striving to improve the quality of the training/services on offer by them. Its universal truth that any services provided purely on the monitory gain lacks quality in deliver

Safety Pays - Adopt to Believe it.

It has been known to many and is proven scientifically otherwise that wearing SEAT BELT while driving reduces the risk of fatality. Even though as a reply to safety advice, one readily says following - which you can add if you have encountered with one: ·        driving for short distances ·        not driving on busy road ·        Use at Highways ·        keep speed in control ·        shouldn’t dirty my cloth ·        Having ample experience of driving ·        No enforcement at my place ·        Forgot to belt up ·        Will use next time ·        not coward ·        Can’t avoid what is allotted...... What to mention, many peculiarly answer that they have witnessed death even the person was belt up. So how wearing, not-wearing seat belt matters? Truly speaking many among us do not believe in safety because we survive doing unsafe behaviour e.g. riding back home unhurt without crash helmet. In fact, development of such false conf