Are you responsible for safety?

Responsibility is not a mere word but it is used to convey something very profound. Whatsoever function you are in, responsible means you own this and committed to accomplish all the tasks under it. You may, most of the time needed to go beyond call of the duty to complete the task you are responsible of.  When someone is responsible of certain function/task/work and most importantly he/she accepts this, then there are no ifs & buts to shirk from even the failure if any.

Here, specifically in safety, responsible means it is integral part of your function to adopt safety to protect self and your colleague. You can check yourself or of your colleagues as how much responsible for safety by rating appropriate responses against 10 following traits specifically developed for this purpose.

a)     Safety is value to me rather it is priority in my agenda

b)     ‘Safety starts with me’ reflects in all actions I perform

c)      I understand my job very well

d)     I know what are the hazards/risk  related to my job

e)     My worker understands the hazards of the work they are told to do

f)      I do more than what is legally required to complete the work safely

g)     I care for safety of my  team members by asking their performance of safety first

h)     I care of the family of my team member by providing no work injury situation

i)       I care of my company by preventing accidents

j)       I also plan for safety before I take work in hand

You have to rate on scale from 1 to 5, 1 being the least (sometimes) and 5 being the most (most of the times).

I would decode the score so that you yourself can know how much you are responsible for safety. You can see the result and compare your score by visiting page “useful information” at www.safetitude .com on or after 5th December 2016.


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