Your Adversity Quotient (AQ)

Very often, we succumb to the problems (adversity) that come in our way in our day to day life. We seldom try to resolve and get out of the same in order to avoid effect of the one problem in one area of life to other.

How many adverse events do you experience on your average day? Are you consumed by these events or are you letting them lead to stronger performance? I developed the Adversity Quotient (AQ) to test the unconscious pattern of how people respond to adversity, and show how to increase it and, thereby, help individuals become valuable at work.

Adversity Response Profile (ARP)

Imagine the following events as if they were happening right now. Then circle the number that represents your answer to each of the related questions.

You suffer a financial setback.

To what extent can you influence this situation?

Not at all       1        2        3       4       5       Completely

You are overlooked for a promotion.

To what extent do you feel responsible for improving the situation?

Not responsible at all         1        2        3       4       5       Completely responsible

You are criticized for a big project that you just completed.

The consequences of this situation will:

Affect all aspects of my life          1     2   3    4    5     Be limited to this situation

You accidentally delete an important email.

The consequences of this situation will:

Last forever 1        2        3        4        5       Quickly pass

The high-priority project you are working on gets cancelled.

The consequences of this situation will:

Affect all aspects of my life     1        2      3      4      5      Be limited to this situation

Someone you respect ignores your attempt to discuss an important issue.

To what extent do you feel responsible for improving this situation?

Not responsible at all         1        2        3       4       5       Completely responsible

People respond unfavorably to your latest ideas.

To what extent can you influence this situation?

Not at all       1        2        3       4       5       Completely

You are unable to take a much-needed vacation.

The consequences of this situation will:

Last forever 1        2       3        4       5        Quickly pass

You hit every red light on your way to an important appointment.

The consequences of this situation will:

Affect all aspects of my life          1        2       3       4        5       Be limited to this situation

After extensive searching, you cannot find an important document.

The consequences of this situation will:

Last forever 1        2       3       4       5        Quickly pass

You workplace is understaffed.

To what extent do you feel responsible for improving this situation?

Not responsible at all         1        2        3       4       5       Completely responsible

You miss an important appointment.

The consequences of this situation will:

Affect all aspects of my life          1   2  3   4  5       Be limited to this situation

You personal and work obligations are out of balance.

To what extent can you influence this situation?

Not at all       1        2        3        4        5        Completely

You never seem to have enough money.

The consequences of this situation will:

Last forever 1        2        3        4        5        Quickly pass

You are not exercising regularly though you know you should.

To what extent can you influence this situation?

Not at all       1        2        3       4        5        Completely

Your organization is not meeting its goals.

To what extent do you feel responsible for improving this situation?

Not responsible at all         1        2       3       4       5        Completely responsible

Your computer crashed for the third time this week.

To what extent can you influence this situation?

Not at all       1       2       3       4       5       Completely

The meeting you are in is a total waste of time.

To what extent do you feel responsible for improving this situation?

Not responsible at all         1        2        3        4        5        Completely responsible

You lost something that is important to you.

The consequences of this situation will:

Last forever 1        2        3       4       5        Quickly pass

Your boss adamantly disagrees with your decision.

The consequences of this situation will:

Affect all aspects of my life          1        2        3       4        5       Be limited to this situation


  1. I've completed the questionnaire, total is 51. What does it suggest??


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