P356: What's the use of Post-mortem? (published on LinkedIn)

Two massive fire accidents occurred late at night on 26th May 2024

Actions Taken:

a) Owners of both businesses, Mr. Nitin and Mr. Navin, were arrested. b) No Fire NOC (No Objection Certificate) was obtained. c) Safety norms were not complied with. d) Fire exits were obstructed. e) Fire systems were non-functional, among other issues.


  1. A baby care hospital in NCR Delhi, where 7 newborn babies died.
  2. A gaming zone in Rajkot, Gujarat, where 33 lives were lost.


Whatever actions are taken in the aftermath, can they compensate for the lost precious lives? Never, and they are also not adequate to avoid repetition in the future. It's the same pattern of actions and reactions!

Addressing the Root Cause:

How can we improve on the root cause of these accidents? Here is my opinion on the way forward:

  1. Administrative Responsibility: It is primarily the responsibility of the administration to ensure that fire safety norms are implemented as a bare minimum in every industrial and commercial installation.
  2. Professional Integrity: Professionals associated with fire protection design, installations, and functionality should never compromise on the quality of the services they render.
  3. Business Promoters: Promoters of businesses must see safety as a means of business growth by taking all practicable solutions to reduce risk. They should own the ethical, moral, and social responsibility to operate their business without causing harm to human health and lives.
  4. General Users: Finally, general users must challenge the safety arrangements and demand their fundamental right to be safe. Can they stop availing services from places without safety arrangements? They must exercise their power as consumers to enforce safety compliance.

SAFETITUDE should move with no matter where you are!


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