How to know-"Total Safety Culture"(TSC) exists??

TSC is not a short-term easy to achieve mission. This situation in an organisation is result of a consistent effort with application of behavior based safety (BBS) that run over the years. Although many of us refer TSC for a situation when no accidents happen or manged for a few years.
For an enduring safety in terms of TSC, following situations should be visible. Let check it your self and decide whether this exists in organisation of your concern.
1) Everyone feels responsible for safety and pursue it on daily basis even not under supervision.
2) Employee go beyond "the call of duty" to identify environmental hazards and "at-risk-behaviors (ARBs)
3) Workers intervene to correct these ARBs
4) Safe work practices are encouraged and suitably recognised
5) Safety is not shifted according to situation and is treated as value linked to all situational priority
6) Employee help others as "actively caring:
7) Employee are pen to discuss and resolve safety issues
8) Workers freely share a situation that led to an accident to them
9) Accidents are analysed for ascertaining facts and not investigated for finding faults
10) Safety finds a place in all business agenda
Excerpt: A book by E.Scott Geller


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